Sunday, October 18, 2020

"Khadi- Supply Chain To Freedom"

 Hello everyone, I am Peeyush Pareek, pursuing my MBA second year from Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore. In this blog I am going to share Some gyaan on " Khadi " . October 2nd was Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday so I dedicate this blog to him. I also my Professor Dr. Hema Mala, Who gave us opportunity to write here.

Mahatma Gandhi had said that 'Khadi is not just cloth, but an idea'. When the country wanted to be free from the slavery of the British, Khadi was not just cloth, but weapon. When the country became independent, Khadi was not just cloth, it was a symbol of self-sufficiency. Now, Khadi is not just cloth but a source of employment for millions of people. Today Khadi has grown a lot and people have also liked the new form of Khadi, but still there are many challenges before Khadi.



With the establishment of the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad in 1915, charkha and handmade khadi was born there. Every campaign of Gandhiji involved wearing and wearing Khadi. Wearing Khadi before independence was a cause for pride. Then it became the weapon of Khadi war and based on this weapon, Mahatma Gandhi launched many movements like Swadeshi and a new revolution was born from it. 


When the country became independent and Pakistan was formed, the condition of the country was not good at that time. Neither farming was good nor government jobs. In such a situation, Khadi became the only support for the people of the country. After independence, the government took Khadi under its control. The Khadi Commission had become an authority. At the same time, Khadi started its work. Khadi centers were opened in each village. This gave employment to many people. Other village industry products also came under Khadi. During this time, they used to buy goods from people and bring them to the showroom. After many designers joined Khadi and today the picture of Khadi has changed. 


Khadi is a social fabric. Almost every state of India produces it, only distinguishing by fiber mix and weaving style. It generates employment for thousands of skilled spinners, weavers, and carpenters across the country. The increase in the demand for khadi supports farmers to grow cotton and other natural fibers, thus nourishing the entire supply chain.  


There are 290 products for sale under Khadi and they are divided into 7 categories, which include Minerals, Forestry, Agriculture, Chemicals, Polymers, Engineering and Textiles. The system of supply is different depending on each category and product. If we talk About general process then raw material is prepared from farmers or people of rural level. Then They send it to the nearby Khadi manufactures, who reinvent those products. After that they send to Khadi stores through dealers. 





What are the challenges now? 

There were many trademarks of Khadi in the country and now their validity is over and the trademark label itself was not renewed. Eight trademarks have been registered in the country by the names Khadi Herbal Henna, Khadi Beedi No. 803, Khadi, Khadir, Khadi Generating Industries, Khadika and Khadi Nirol. It has also been recognized by the government that 37 trademarks of KVIC are no longer in existence. The most important thing is that Khadi has also come under the purview of GST. Khadi is taxed for the first time before and after independence. Currently 5 to 18 percent tax has been imposed on Khadi clothes. In such a situation, with the implementation of GST, the sale and production of Khadi has been affected significantly for the last several days. 



According to the annual report of the central government, the sales of Khadi increased by 31 percent from 2015 to 2018 February. While the average sales increase from 1947 to 2014 was not more than seven percent. At the same time, many designers are also associated with Khadi, due to which a lot of people are connected with Khadi and are adopting Swadeshi as well as fashion. 


Many of Khadi's trademarks may have been discontinued, but now the fashionable Khadi has entered the market. This Khadi is also attracting the youth, which has given a new birth to Khadi. This is also encouraging PM Modi's self-reliant India initiative and the people of the country are getting employment only by the people of the country. However, there are some challenges, which if faced well, Khadi of India can weave the threads of its popularity abroad. 

  I would request all of you to please adopt Khadi, Products are too good and will be adding to the dream of Gandhi Ji.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes Piyush, promoting khadi is something India needs to adopt and must be brought awareness. Good Read.


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