Saturday, August 1, 2020

How Robots define the Future of Supply Chain?

For decades we have been hearing stories that sometime in the future humans and robots form an interdependent relationship that which helps in accelerating the innovation and improving the human life. These stories were mainly portrayed in Science-fiction movies and books. But here I would like to inform you all that we have already reached that time “time in future” where intelligent automation is very real, at least to some extent in the warehousing process.

This doesn’t mean that robots are going to take over the world, rather they are here to make us(humans) better.

I would like to bring in two examples of Robots in warehousing, where they go ahead and make supply chain process much simpler.

Packing Robots:

A company called Plus One Robotics has developed artificial intelligence (AI) software that enables robotic arms to know what item to pick by scanning the item correctly and packing it to be sent to the correct customer.

These robots are very accurate in the packing process where they hardly make any flaw because they use Barcode and RFID's to scan and pack the item. They also select the right size of the package for the item to be packed and sent out of the warehouse.

Walking Robots:

These robots help in stocking the inventory in the correct racks, scan the item that which is ordered by the end customer and print the label for the item to be delivered.

A company called Locus Robotics has developed a collaborative, autonomous mobile robot solution that optimizes “each picking” workflows in e-commerce fulfilment warehouses.

These robots are already in existence used by the e-commerce giants like Amazon, Walmart, etc. They are highly efficient which have totally changed the phase of these e-commerce retailers to enable a hassle-free warehousing process with almost zero errors.

These robots are made flawless because of Barcoding, RFID, AI and IoT.

This saves a lot of time where one robot can do the work of many humans and speed up the supply chain process thereby making it possible for these e-commerce giants to keep up the promised delivery speed to the customers.

Happy Learning😀. Please share your valuable comments.

1 comment:

  1. Robots are indeed becoming popular and especially in the period we are living right is making it a necessity to keep the supply chain stable. There are so many innovations being introduced with robots. We have flying drones, delivery robots etc. We may even have human robots (Boston Robotics) which could replace us. This may pose a treat to jobs in warehousing facilities too. Nevertheless, as the saying goes "Everything you do now is for your future. Think about that"


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