Sunday, September 6, 2020

Agile Supply Chain Management

 Agility is a supply chain-wide capability that embraces organizational structures, value chain configurations, information systems, logistics processes and in particular mindset and culture. A key characteristic of an agile supply chain is flexibility, which should be interpreted from two side of the supply chain. 

From the inside of the supply chain, such flexibility means configurations and structures are not fixed. They may transform quickly as the needs arises. From outside, i.e. from market and consumer perspective, the supply chain must deliver timely products and services; and deliver them at the beginning of the usually short profit widows; often to be innovative and to be the market leader. 

Thus, agile supply chain is essentially a practical approach to managing supply networks and developing flexible capabilities to satisfy the fast-changing customer demand. It is about moving and transforming a supply chain that is structured around the focal company and its product categories to the one that is centred on end-consumers and their requirement. The operational planning of agile supply chain is focused on the capabilities for responsiveness and constantly in anticipation of unpredictable sudden changes in demand. Such capability building and customer attention cannot be achieved without a cost. 



1 comment:

  1. very informative blog. is an agile or a lean supply chain better


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