Saturday, September 5, 2020

Women in Logistics

Logistics contribute almost 14% to India’s GDP. The logistics industry is a crucial sector that is ever growing and evolving rapidly. It contributes a fair share to the economic development of the country. This industry has seen a rapid growth in the last few years due to increased planned outlay of government, improved infrastructure facilities etc. The logistics market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% between 2019 and 2025. All businesses rely on the logistics industry.

                                                   The logistics sector is visualized to be a male dominated sector. Women represent around half of the global population and still it is seen that the number of women working at the top levels or in the operational department is far less than the number of men despite the fact that women have it in them what it takes to face the unique challenges of logistics by developing and implementing innovative strategies that touches almost every aspect of a company and affect the various levels of an organisation. Women were hesitant to take up jobs in logistics sector but this situation is witnessing a change. Logistics sector has more employment opportunities than any other sector. Women are getting accepted and encouraged which is a positive sign. Gender divide in the logistics industry is gradually coming to an end. Almost 70% of the workforce in this industry are men and 30% constitute women. Even so, this percentage is yet to increase in the near future.

                                                     This sector is male dominated mainly because of two reasons. First, women’ lack of interest in working in such environments and different barriers that limit their access to male dominated working environments. Working environment, working hours and dealing with the drivers makes this field more complex to work rather than any other industry.

                                                       Globally in 2010, women formed only 8% of the total logistics workforce which has steadily increased to 20% in 2018. In India this number is about 15% and is expected to reach the current global average of 20% in 2022. By offering women with many opportunities, one must try to retain, encourage and empower them to attain success. Women are coming out of their shells and pursuing their dreams. Now women engage in every job that were previously unheard of.

                                                      Women joining the logistics industry need to know that it is a service industry and certain skill sets are required to grow in their career. Apart from good verbal and written communication skills, knowledge of logistical processes and procedures, focus on customer service excellence, sharp business acumen, strong analytical abilities and a problem-solving outlook are crucial requirements from a competence perspective.

                                                           Many Indian companies are hiring women for blue collared jobs and they are also taking up initiatives to provide a safe working environment and work life balance. One of the biggest problems faced by women is the work environment, safety arrangements, rest shops for truck drivers, hygiene etc. All these issues need to be addressed so that women could be confident in joining this sector. Flexible working hours, onsite childcare, and other work life balance initiatives should be given more importance. Women should be given training, skill development opportunities to improve their professional and personal life. Through this superior customer experience is guaranteed.

                                                          Women are responsive, efficient multitaskers, good communicators, team players and solution finders and these skills could be used to the utmost advantage. Today’s world promotes talent and if you have it, then you are good to go. Women’ compassionate nature, ability to articulate and high level of empathy could make a difference in this sector. They can even turn an extremely hostile situation into a harmonious one as the situation demands.

                                                          Women decorate many top positions in today’s world too. They should be encouraged and empowered and more needs to be done to keep it going. Women participation subsequently changed gender norms in the logistics sector. Women have fearlessly conquered the unknown. The growth of women in the sector can only be triggered by valuing diversity and promoting its scope, which shall in turn add innovation and new perceptions to the business. Gender diversity boosts competitiveness, productivity and development as a whole.


  1. Glad to see improvements in woman participation in male dominated job roles and companies taking measure to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for woman. Hope implementations such as this transforms India. Would like to know more about companies that are implementing measure to improve woman presence in their workplace ecosystem

  2. fascinating read. I have done a similar blog. glad to see more woman coming up. truly inspiring


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