Sunday, October 18, 2020

emirates feed a lot of hungry passengers !!👀


In Dubai, Emirates flight catering makes 110 million in-flight meals a year. As the world’s largest catering facility, they run 24/7 cooking up every snack, dessert and main dish eaten by the airline’s 55 million passenger a year. And these travelers eat a lot.

In 2018, Emirates passengers downed 72 million bread rolls, over 134,000 pounds of strawberries, 414 pounds of salmon, and more than three million pounds of potatoes. So how does the world’s largest flying restaurant feed hungry passengers abroad nearly 200,000 flights a years?

Well before any cooking is done everything has to be unloaded off incoming flights. The plates and trolleys are dropped in the ground floor of the facility to be cleaned. Dishes are separated into categories and sent through industrial-sized ware washing machines. On average the facility handles about 3 million pieces of tableware a day. Those trolleys that bring you drinks during your flight are also cleaned which are then loaded up to the mile and a half long monorail to be taken upstairs.

This system is how massive amounts of inventory are moved safely through the building. The monorail has pick up and drop off points at multiple locations at every floor. Upstairs is where the cooking takes off. First in the cold kitchen, all of the sandwiches and appetizers are prepped and plated. Because the different cabins have specific menus, appetizers and sandwiches for first and business class are prepared on one side of the kitchen. While those for the economy is prepared on the other. Sandwiches are sliced and stacked and then feed through. Sandwiches are sliced and stacked then feed through the flow wrapping machine to keep the bread fresh until it’s unwrapped aboard the plane. The kitchen is broken down by four food regions: Asian, Sub-Continent, European and Middle Eastern. Emirates 1800 chefs from around the world develop 1300 different menus a month. They cover the culinary gambit of every destination Emirates flies to. Whenever you are aboard an Emirates flight the meal you are served is inspired by the region of your arrival destination with over 150 destinations in 85 different countries.

They use a hydro processor, a high powered water laser that cuts perfectly precise slices of cake. Finally, the assembly room where it is all assembled and converted to one tray. It is in here that each package gets a UV ink on it which is invisible by the passenger. But the ink helps the Emirates to track the life of each dish which helps them to prevent themselves from serving the spoilt dishes to the travelers. It’s the same place where the salads are packed. The dishes are assembled and loaded into the trolleys exactly how a passenger sees it. These trolleys are carried by the monorails to the downstairs where the trolleys are transferred to trucks which will be sent to the aircrafts in next two hours to serve the hungry passengers waiting aboard.     



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