Saturday, September 5, 2020

Spare parts supply chain.

Nowadays the brand image of a product depends not only on the quality of the product but also on the quality of service support that the customers receive after purchasing the product.

Hence the response time and availability of spares become critical.

Some of the corporate installations demand onsite support along with critical downtime service level measurements and this has pushed suppliers move on to efficient spare parts supply chain.

Good value spare parts must be made available in a nearby warehousing location and it should reach to the site in the fastest and quickest reaching time. The coordination of the engineering team, the support team along with logistics arrangement is required to happen in a few hours. This type of critical performance levels are being documented in most of the service agreements.

This happens in aerospace parts supply chain too. There are chances of snags to occur in air crafts and the location may not be the same location at which they are operated from. Aero spare parts supply chain is also built around processes to make sure the fastest lead times, ready availability  and immediate retrieval of the right component.

The aircraft cannot be landed for a long time as it may cause huge losses to the company. There are limitations like most of the parts are highly expensive and cannot be stocked in all locations as inventory

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