Sunday, October 18, 2020

Flipkart's robot-based sortation technology

 Hello everyone,

I am Sreelakshmi V, final year MBA student from Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore. In this blog, I would like to share some insights on Flipkart's robot based sortation technology.

We all know that the power of e-commerce is in fast and reliable delivery and that requires a fast and accurate processing. For that Flipkart introduced robot based sortation technology. Flipkart is first in India to introduce robot based sortation technology. It was introduced at Flipkart's sortation facility in Bengaluru with over 100 AI- powered bots which enables faster and safer sorting of packages. These robots help the operators working there to process over 4500 shipments per hour which is twice the speed than earlier with 99.9% accuracy. The specialty of these bots are that they are modular, quick to deploy, they are self charging and runs about 7-8 hours on single charge. 

So the processing in the facility starts by scanning the package and loading it onto the conveyer belt, it then reaches a picker who places it onto the bot. The bots have so many sensors on it which will help the bot to pass under a targeted scanner. The algorithm in it will help in identifying the address and guiding the to a designated slot. The package is dropped, bagged and then sent on its way.

This innovation helps in handling increasing volumes with high precision and it ensures speed and security as well without overburdening the staffs working there.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed reading this.

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