Sunday, October 18, 2020



 Hi all! I'm Sreelakshmi M N, second year MBA student at Amrita School of Business Coimbatore. In this blog let us discuss some of the security concerns in supply chain. 

Security of the supply chain is becoming increasingly critical as the fallout can place supply chains and companies at risk. Not all cyber attacks on the supply chain are drastic and risky, but our supply chains are extremely vulnerable attacks. A security flaw in one connection can compromise the functionality of the entire supply chain due to the inherent interconnected nature of supply chains.

A wide range of risks are faced by supply chains, ranging from physical risks to cyber security threats. Perhaps the most visible and evident physical risks that may occur at different points in the supply chain and the terrorists threaten supply chain by disrupting oil infrastructure. In reality, supply chain terrorism is worse than ever, and a recent 10-year BSI report found that during the course of the analysis, there were 3.1 terrorist attacks per week on supply chains.

Modern supply chains face a growing range of threats related to information security, aside from the perennial physical threats. These challenges occur because technology and Internet infrastructure have progressed to the point where a variety of software and hardware operating in tandem, collecting and transmitting critical data on shipments, inventory, and even the state of equipment used to produce parts are dependent on well-functioning, effective supply chains.For individuals who want to disrupt supply chains and gain confidential information or assets, this reliance on technology opens up new avenues. 

Supply Chain and the Cloud

The model of cloud computing affects supply chains tremendously. Computing services, such as databases, software, and storage, are consumed as utilities in this model, accessible via public or private network connections. Cloud-based software for supply chain management is on the rise, and now an exception rather than the rule is a supply chain without any form of cloud-based solution.

Rangespan is an example of a supply management company that uses the cloud. In reality, the company's entire IT infrastructure is focused on Amazon Web Services ( AWS). 

In order to store customer and inventory information , the company uses a variety of AWS services, such as Amazon RDS, and EBS volumes, which are high-performance storage volumes. More information on EBS and EBS volumes are included in this resource.The cloud offers many advantages, including access to low-cost, flexible IT services at any time. But if not handled correctly, the cloud model could introduce additional security complexities and risks into the IT infrastructure of the supply chain.

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